ODA in USD in 2023




Official Develoment Assistance in 2023: Premilinary Data

Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)OECD, Official development assistance (ODA), Preliminary data for 2023.

Official development assistance (ODA) is financial aid provided by governments and other official organizations to developing countries, with the primary goal of promoting economic development and reducing poverty. ODA is typically provided in the form of grants or low-interest loans, and can be used for a wide range of purposes, including infrastructure development, healthcare and education initiatives, and disaster relief.

International aid increased for the fifth consecutive year in 2023

Official development assistance (ODA) reached a total of USD 224 billion in 2023 compared to USD 211 billion in 2022, according to preliminary data from the OECD. This marks an increase of 1.8% in real terms from 2022, equivalent to 12 billion. The primary drivers of growth was increased aid to Ukraine and humanitarian assistance to developing countries, the OECD said.

Total aid reached 0.37% of donors’ combined gross national income

First adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1970, a 0.7% target for official development assistance (ODA) has been set as a global commitment made by member countries of the United Nations to provide a certain level of financial aid to developing countries. The target calls for developed countries to allocate a minimum of 0.7% of their gross national income (GNI) to ODA in order to promote economic development and reduce poverty in developing countries.

The total ODA provided by DAC (Development Assistance Committee) member countries as a percentage of their GNI was 0.37% in 2023, according to the OECD data. This is the same level as in 2022. In recent years, the share has increased and is currently at its highest ever recorded level, yet still significantly below the 0.7% target.

United States was the largest donor of international aid in USD billions in 2023

Measured in monetary terms, the United States was the largest donor of official development assistance in 2023 followed by Germany and the EU institutions.

Norway was the largest donor of international aid as % of GNI in 2023

The latest data shows that only 5 countries hit the UN 0.7% aid spending target in 2023: Denmark, Germany, Luxembourg, Norway and Sweden.

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