


Infrastructure Score for Coastal and Energy Resilience 1997-2021

Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and License (PDDL)Gain ND

The Infrastructure score serves as a comprehensive measure of the vulnerability inherent in coastal and energy infrastructure in the face of climate change. It predominantly reflects the general preparedness of a nation to confront climate-related natural disasters, coastal hazards, and energy supply challenges. This multifaceted assessment incorporates key indicators to provide a nuanced understanding of the risks involved. Projections of hydropower generation capacity and anticipated impacts of sea level rise offer insights into the future viability of energy sources. The evaluation of dependency on imported energy and the population residing below 5 meters above sea level highlights potential vulnerabilities in energy supply and coastal regions. Additionally, considerations such as electricity access and disaster preparedness contribute to a holistic analysis, offering a comprehensive view of a country's resilience and readiness in the face of climate-induced threats to its infrastructure.