


How much renewable energy can each state create? Possible Renewable Energy Generation by State

Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)Information is Beautiful

This map was inspired by this great visualization from information is beautiful

Potential Renewable Energy by State

Getting the USA to Net Zero by 2050 is no easy task, between the huge infrastructure costs and the amount of power that would need to be produced, this will take a lot of work from everyone involved.

  • The USA uses 4,223 Terawatt hours of energy annually
  • Over 25 States would be able to generate enough energy to cover these needs through solar power alone
  • Texas is the only be able to cover the national energy usage through wind power
  • Texas currently only created 136 TWh from all of it's renewables in 2022, with a possible combined total of 72,000 TWh, it's only utilizing 0.19% of its possible renewable energy creation. [source]

The cost of the changes from 2030-2050 is estimated to be around $2.5 Trillion, which is an insane amount of money. However broken down by year, we're looking at $125 Billion a year, which is only one sixth of the USs Military Spending in 2022 of $773 Billion. [source]

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