


Global Diarrheal Deaths Linked to Unsafe Water Sources in 2019

Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)IHME, Global Burden of Disease (2019)

Diarrhea is a common digestive disorder characterized by the frequent passage of loose or watery stools, often accompanied by abdominal cramps, bloating, and dehydration.

It can be caused by various factors, including viral or bacterial infections, contaminated food or water, and certain medical conditions.

Diarrhea is a significant health concern worldwide. In this viz, we show the death count linked to Diarrheal.

  1. Global Impact: The dataset indicates a significant global impact of deaths attributed to unsafe water sources, with a total of 1,230,153.9 deaths reported worldwide in 2019.
  2. Regional Disparities: There are notable disparities in the number of deaths across regions. For example, the African Region (WHO) reported the highest number of deaths, totaling 492,202.1, indicating a critical issue in water safety in that region.
  3. India and Nigeria: Two populous countries, India and Nigeria, reported high numbers of deaths (508,289.62 and 157,291.61, respectively). This highlights the need for targeted interventions in densely populated areas. On the other hand, some countries reported relatively low numbers or even zero deaths, suggesting successful water safety measures. For instance, Andorra, Bermuda, and Iceland reported very low or negligible numbers.
  4. High-Income Countries: Generally, high-income countries tend to report lower numbers of deaths due to unsafe water sources. However, there are exceptions, and attention should be given to outliers like the United States with 381.7031 deaths.